As many of you already know this spring has been one of the coolest, wettest and snowiest springs on record for the Park City area but today it finally cleared a bit for some nice late spring photos and some even nicer weather is coming next week with ideal sunny skies and temperatures in the 70's with low humidity, exactly the summer weather Park City is famous for and we are all accustomed to.

Here are a few shots I took this morning, the trees are leafing out nicely and within about 10 days everything will be a beautiful summer green to contrast the blue waters of the Jordanelle and the largely snowcapped mountains in the distance.


You can see why this is the perfect time to plan your summer visit to Park City and also stop by Hideout Canyon to see the great incentives we have going right now.  We have some great lots and building pads in Hideout Canyon with some really nice pricing right now.  Contact list agent Rich Fine at 435-640-2124 for more information or stop by our on site sales office, open daily.



Scott Larson

Director of Sales and Marketing

Hideout Canyon/Soaring Hawk/Golden Eagle